Registration is required for “members only” events. Also, we ask unwell members to refrain from attending.
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Explore the many habitats of the Cade Tract, a new public tract owned by the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, west of St. Marys. This former farm was donated to the UTRCA by Barnby Cade and restoration efforts are ongoing.
We’ll view a coolwater stream, a fen-like habitat, a young prairie, thickets and mature woodlot. We’ll focus on identifying the native and non-native plants and watch for birds. There are no managed trails and the vegetation can be thick, so long pants and sturdy boots or rubber boots are advised We will cross a creek as well.
Directions: Meet at the little parking lot at 4695 Perth Road Line 5, Granton, just south of Rannoch, south of Perth Rd 139. If there is no room in the parking lot, park on the road shoulder (west side).
Additional Comments: The hike may be rescheduled in the event of poor weather.
Please do not attend if you are unwell.