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Emerging Spring Wildlife (NL Members Only)

Wednesday, April 30 @ 8:00 am 11:00 am

Westminster Ponds is part of an Environmentally Significant Area (ESA) that has incredibly diverse ecosystems that support all kinds of wildlife that I have witnessed over the past year, including coyotes, deer, rodents (including beaver, muskrats), snakes, and yes, several species of birds plus wildflowers. We will start the hike at the viewing platform overlooking Saunders Pond, and with our rubber boots (highly recommended) we will hike through the accompanying wetland and forest in search of newly emerging and/or returning wildlife. Please consider bringing binoculars and cameras. Trekking poles might be handy given that it will likely be muddy, wet and slippery along the trails. There’s so much to see that we’ll give ourselves three hours to explore this unique area.

For more information, please click this link. To view footage that I have filmed at Westminster Ponds and to learn more about it, please consider viewing this video from that marker to 9:56 in this film. You can watch all of it, but that portion was filmed on-site last fall.

Directions: Meet at the Tourism London Welcome Centre parking lot located at 696 Wellington Road South (42.948534, -81.226891) at 7:45 AM. There’s ample parking. There are washrooms in that building (open 8:30 – 4:30). Brochures about Westminster Ponds and other trails in London and area may be picked up, free of charge at the end of our hike.

Kathleen Holland

Westminster Ponds

696 Wellington Road
London, Ontario Canada
+ Google Map

Registration will open on April 9, 2025 8:00 am.