Click Join to start enjoying Nature London’s many membership benefits, including The Cardinal, meetings, field trips, and Cedarcroft. See our YouTube channel for a new promotional video, Why Join.

The Cardinal

See The Cardinal Issues Online.

Cover: The Cardinal

When joining online, the password is in the confirmation email.

The latest issue includes news, reviews, field trips, awards banquet, and Christmas Bird Count.

See high-resolution versions of the front and back covers.

Upcoming Events

For more details, click on any event or the “Events” menu item at the top of the page.


Five members-only events have been scheduled for this spring. However, members may visit at any time. See directions to Cedarcroft.

Cedarcroft cabin


  • Slides from AGM, February 14, 2025

    While the in-person audience could follow and participate, there were audio and video problems that affected the Zoom audience and Zoom recording. Here are the slides for review in a PDF file. You do not need PowerPoint to open the file.

  • London Environmental Network Environmental Action Incubator Program (EAI)

    The EAI supports community projects that demonstrate a positive impact on the local environment. Each project receives up to $1,000 in funding, coaching, and promotional support to bring the project to life.  Click here  to find out more. Application deadline is March 14.

  • 2023-2024 Annual Report

    The latest annual report has been added to the club’s Official Statements and Reports page. Here is the 2023-2024 Annual Report.

  • YouTube Channel Updated with Eco-Grant Presentations

    Soon after each Indoor Meeting or Birding Wing meeting, a recording of the Zoom session is added to the Nature London YouTube channel. These videos are unlisted and can be accessed only via their links. The links are included in the E-Newsletter and on this webpage. Note that you must used your member password to access this directory of links.

  • Volunteer Opportunities

    Information about volunteer opportunities and volunteering is available online.

For retired announcements, see Archives.

Guide to the Natural Areas of London and Region, Sixth Edition

Over 100 parks, conservation areas, woodlands, wetlands, and walking trails are described in this Guide for walkers, birders, and all nature lovers to explore and enjoy. Published October 2020. It is available at Nature London events, select retailers, and online.

Conservation Action Alerts

Conservation Action Alerts keep you informed about upcoming opportunities to provide input and influence public environmental policy. Members and non-members may subscribe. There is an “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each email. In the future, action alerts will be logged on the website.

Social Media

Follow us on our Facebook page and visit (or subscribe to) our YouTube channel. When you join or renew your membership, you may subscribe to Conservation Action Alerts and the E-Newsletter (twice each month).

Stay Informed: Beyond Nature London

Ontario Nature invites everyone to subscribe to its monthly E-Newsletter. Keep informed of the activities of other nature clubs and Ontario Nature.  For more information or to subscribe, please click: Nature Network News. Anita Caveney prepared a short note about the relationship between Ontario Nature and Nature London.

With so many nature organizations in Ontario, the website cannot carry everything of possible interest to Nature London members. See more information on other nature-related and environment-related organizations.