Nature Talks, Field Trips, News & Publications

The Cardinal is Nature London’s quarterly publication. Members can receive copies by mail and access back issues online.

Upcoming Events

Club News

  • Submitting Photos


    The Cardinal is always interested in receiving photos from members. All photos received are archived in the club’s Image Database. Some are used to illustrate articles. Some of the best appear in colour on the front and back covers of the Cardinal. For more information see Submissions to the Image Database

  • Volunteer


    Information about volunteer opportunities and volunteering has been collected under a new area on the website. The most recent addition to the list is from the Conservation Action Committee.

  • YouTube Channel


    All six presentations from the 2024 Nature in the City Event have been added. Members can use the password to access these and other recordings.

For retired items, see Archived News.

Meetings with Nature Talks

Cookies and coffee will be served at Indoor Meetings (but not Birding Wing meetings). Please bring your own mug if possible to reduce our environmental impact.

The Nature London board has revised its masking guidelines for those attending in person. “Masking is no longer required at Nature London indoor meetings but encouraged, particularly for those individuals who are at higher risk for infection. We remain mask friendly. Please refrain from attending indoor meetings if you are currently experiencing an infection or illness, particularly an upper respiratory tract infection.”

Asters and goldenrods of Ontario

Save the date!
Members only, registration required

Find out more
06 September 2024
London Civic Garden Complex,

Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas

Save the date! Thursday!
Members only, registration required

Find out more
10 October 2024
London Civic Garden Complex,

A Human Powered Ontario Big Year

In 2022, Brett Forsyth embarked on an adventure to set Ontario’s first human-powered big year record.

Find out more
17 October 2024
London Civic Garden Complex,

Conservation Action Alerts

Conservation Action Alerts keep you informed about upcoming opportunities to provide input and influence public environmental policy. Members and non-members may subscribe. There is an “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each email. In the future, action alerts will be logged on the website.

The Cardinal Online

The Cardinal – Spring 2024 Edition

In this edition: board meetings, outing reports, book reviews, Cedarcroft, insects, woodpeckers, flowers, conservation action, chimney swift program history, photos and more photos. For online access, see The Cardinal Issues Online and enter the password from the back of your membership card.

Cover photo of Eastern Garter Snakes by Paul Nicholson.

Social Media

Follow us on our Facebook page and visit (or subscribe to) our YouTube channel. When you join or renew your membership, you may subscribe to Conservation Action Alerts and the E-Newsletter (twice each month).

Members can see recordings of recent Nature in the City, Indoor Meeting and Birding Wing presentations. Each will be available for a limited time only.

Field Trips

Meadowlily to Shelborne Park Walk

Explore a range of habitats as we walk west from Meadowlily Nature Reserve, under Highbury Avenue, to the prairie plantings under the hydro corridor that parallels Highbury.

Find out more
02 August 2024
Meadowlily, 25 Meadowlily Road South
London, Canada
+ Google Map

Outdoor Events

While Nature London is quiet for the summer, Thames Talbot Land Trust has several outdoor events on its calendar. Also, there are several butterfly counts and donate counts.

Community Events

Clear Creek Butterfly Count

Continue the tradition of counting butterflies for an official census. Enjoy a potluck dinner afterwards. Email George Prieksaitis for information on attending and helping.

Find out more
28 July 2024

Stay Informed: Beyond Nature London

With so many nature organizations in Ontario, it is impossible to present all of the news and events that may be of interest to Nature London members. See more information other nature-related and environment-related organizations.