Giving Program – Legacy Giving

Make a Bequest in your Will

When you are updating your will, or your life insurance coverage, leave a legacy by including Nature London as a beneficiary. Nature London and our natural heritage hold a special place in the hearts of many. Your legacy gift will extend beyond your own lifetime and touch the lives of future generations.

Leaving a legacy is an element of estate planning, which is important to everyone. A legacy gift in your will can also have important tax benefits for your estate.

The decision to make a bequest to Nature London is a very personal one. Below is a powerful story of a wonderful Nature London member who chose to make a legacy gift.

There are many different ways you can leave a legacy:

  • Bequests – A legacy gift in your will can also have important tax benefits for your estate.
  • Life Insurance – With a small monthly payment, you can build a gift that will have great
  • Stocks and Securities – A gift of securities can help nature and provide a significant tax
    benefit for you.
  • Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Registered Retirement Income Funds.
  • Other Legacy Gifts such as Trusts and Annuities – Speak with your financial advisor about these.

Please consult your own tax and legal advisors, as well as your family, when doing your tax or estate planning.

Contact Don Taves, Nature London’s President, at 519-473-5180 for more information about leaving legacy gifts.