150 Years: The Nature London Story 1864 to 2014 is a 64-page compilation of well-illustrated articles that appeared in The Cardinal documenting the club’s history. Standard and high resolution versions are provided.
The individual articles appearing in past flights (issues) of The Cardinal are included below:
- Flight 233 (November 2013), A History of the Well-Dressed London Naturalist
- Flight 234 (February 2014), Part I: The First Twenty-Five Years (1864 TO 1889)
- Flight 235 (April 2014), The Nature London Story Part II: 1890 to 1913
- Flight 236 (August 2014), The Nature London Story Part III: 1914 to 1939
- Flight 237 (November 2014), The Nature London Story Part IV: 1940 to 1964
- Flight 238 (February 2015), The Nature London Story Part V: 1965 to 1989
- Flight 239 (April 2015), The Nature London Story Part VI: 1990 to 2014
A brief summary of the club may be found in 150 Years of Nature London in 15 Pictures. The presentation Selected Highlights from Our History (58 slides, pictures and text) shines a light on the dedicated work of unpaid amateurs who brought about the founding of Nature London in 1864 and keep it thriving more than 150 years later.