While the in-person audience could follow and participate, there were audio and video problems that affected the Zoom audience and Zoom recording. Here are the slides for review in a PDF file. You do not need PowerPoint to open the file.
Author: Glenn Berry
Ontario Nature is asking us to help put biodiversity and climate change at the forefront of the Ontario election in 2025.
Here is the link to the Ontario Nature blog on the election issues. https://ontarionature.org/protect-our-planet-vote-for-nature-blog/
London Environmental Network Environmental Action Incubator Program (EAI)
The EAI supports community projects that demonstrate a positive impact on the local environment. Each project receives up to $1,000 in funding, coaching, and promotional support to bring the project to life. Click here to find out more.
Last Chance for one of the discount offers (NL Members Only)
Some offers are long-standing, while others are time-limited. The complete list appears on a password-protected page. New offers will take effect soon.
Call for Members’ Night Presentations
The Indoor Meetings Committee is open to receiving offers of 15-minute presentations to be delivered on April 11. Please email the committee at indoor.meetings@naturelondon.ca or approach the audio-visual team at any meeting.
2023-2024 Annual Report
The latest annual report has been added to the club’s Official Statements and Reports page. Here is the 2023-2024 Annual Report.
Good News: Cedarcroft Nature Reserve has Reopened!
The NL Board through the work of the Cedarcroft Task Force has approved the reopening of Cedarcroft Nature Reserve. Details are in the official statement. The member password is required to see the directions to Cedarcroft.
TTLT is hiring for a Fund Development Assistant
Full details are on the TTLT website: https://www.thamestalbotlandtrust.ca/employment_opportunities
Landowner Protection and Stewardship Workshop
Ontario Nature, St. Clair Region Conservation Authority and Thames Talbot Land Trust are co-hosting a landowner protection and stewardship workshop. The purpose is to engage with landowners within the East Sydenham River watershed who may be interested in land protection and habitat restoration in the region. Here are the event details.
Conservation Action Committee asks us to complete Provincial Budget Survey
The CAC sent this message to all of its mailing list subscribers. The online survey takes less than 10 minutes and is open until February 3rd. The survey is found at https://www.ontario.ca/form/survey-2025-budget-consultations