Cedarcroft Reopening Details

                    Cedarcroft Reopening January 2025

We are delighted to announce that Cedarcroft, Nature London’s treasured reserve, has been reopened!

The Cedarcroft Task Force has been working diligently to address the concerns that have been raised and will continue to address short- and long-term issues on a roll out basis. To remain accountable to the membership, the Task Force has outlined below how the most recent concerns have been addressed.

#1 Several trails are challenging with treacherous access to bridge crossings. Conditions are more concerning in wet conditions.

The trails have been assessed, and the most difficult trail has been closed until further remedial actions can be taken. The Task Force is looking into best trail management practices for safety and use to ensure all trails are safe for Nature London members.

#2 Increasing use of the reserve by non-members.

Private Property/No Trespassing signs have been placed at all known access points at Cedarcroft. Conversations with the neighbours and the installation of some fencing has helped to clearly define boundaries in high traffic areas. The Task Force will be updating the Cedarcroft Property Master Plan and will address boundary and trespassing issues in this guiding document.

#3 Increasing liability concerns that need to be understood and acted on.

Nature London’s liability insurance has been reviewed, and the Task Force is confident that Nature London members and volunteers are adequately covered. The Task Force has conducted a risk management assessment and are in the process of implementing the recommendations from this assessment such as installing signage that outlines the rules and regulations at Cedarcroft.

#4 A long-standing, devoted but aging workforce.

Active volunteer recruitment to join the Cedarcroft Committee and to help with maintenance has begun. This will be an ongoing project and will be closely monitored each year. The updated Cedarcroft Property Master Plan will also outline the maintenance of Cedarcroft in relation to the available volunteer capacity.

#5 No managerial oversight currently.

The Nature London Board has appointed Nature London member Jeff Paul as the new Cedarcroft Manager. Jeff is local to Cedarcroft, has served on the Cedarcroft Committee, and has taken part in many Cedarcroft maintenance activities and events over the years. Most notably, Jeff is the architect and builder of the three bridges at Cedarcroft. The Board will be relying on Jeff, the volunteer Cedarcroft Committee, and the Task Force to care for Cedarcroft.

With these immediate issues addressed and the continuation of the Task Force addressing additional matters on an ongoing basis, the Board has approved the reopening of Cedarcroft.

Note from the Webmaster

The member password is required to see the directions to Cedarcroft.