If you are not familiar with parking downtown, it can be an adventure. This is especially true when it is dark and others are in a hurry.
The entrance to the north parking lot is on the West side of Wellington between Dundas and King. The entrance is marked with a “P” sign on each side and has a yellow bar across the top.

After pressing a button, you will receive an entrance ticket, shown on the left. In the library, you can ask for a voucher for two hours of free parking.

They may have scanners at the library which can void two hours worth of payment.
After parking, you can take an elevator or the stairs up to ground level. The library is on the corridor away from the retail shops and is open until 7. Wolf Performance Hall is further along the corridor on the opposite side.
At the payment collection post, the scanner will be flashing red. Press the black and white square against the scanner and then the voucher.
You must turn left at the exit on King and travel west at least as far as Wellington.