FREE eBooks!

Tom Reaume has written a 530-page illustrated free eBook on the natural history of the American Crow. It includes 14 chapters, references, an index and Tom’s fieldwork on the crow in southern Ontario and Winnipeg.

A recent change in nomenclature saw the small population of Northwestern Crows along the west coast declared genetically similar and included under the common name American Crow, a more numerous and wide-ranging songbird.

Tom Reaume, Nature London member and The Cardinal layout editor, has produced another free eBook, this time about the Chipping Sparrow.

Tom Reaume, Nature London member and The Cardinal layout editor, produced this eBook on the Gadwall and has made it available for free. Tom Reaume has a BSc in Wildlife Biology from the University of Guelph. Waterfowl were his early passion. This book was a three-year volunteer project, (no grants). The Gadwall has now become his favorite puddle duck.