First-St. Andrew’s United Church
Chimney Swift Awareness Project
In 2018, First-St. Andrew’s United Church received $1,960 for a project to enhance awareness of, and provide information about, Chimney Swifts that nest and/or roost in the five chimneys of the church. This was done through the production of a sign (below) and the installation of a bench for viewing purposes.
The sign and bench are located at a prime viewing location on the church property that can also be accessed by passers-by. The project has created a much greater awareness of swifts within the church membership, and it is hoped that this awareness will also extend to the broader public.
The site will be the initial gathering place for the Chimney Swift walk that will be led by Winnie Wake on Sunday May 26th, beginning at 2 PM. Both the sign and bench have been installed as part of a larger project to create an “Eco-Meditation” garden that features a variety of native plants. With biodiversity in mind, plantings include species that support pollinators as well as provide food for the early stages of insects that may waft upward to become swift food. The garden, part of a growing trend to create ecologically healthy urban landscapes, also includes plants sacred to Indigenous culture, a walking labyrinth, and a sculpture that incorporates disused organ pipes.
Nature London applauds the efforts of the First-St. Andrew’s community to create this urban oasis that nourishes both human and non-human visitors. Club members are encouraged to visit the garden themselves when in the area. First-St. Andrew’s United Church is located at 350 Queens Avenue, London.
Please note that there will be a dedication ceremony on Sunday, June 23, 2019 at 10:30 AM at First-St. Andrew’s Church. For more details, see the Invitation.