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Building bird-friendly communities in London

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm

Nature London and London Public Library proudly present six Tuesday nights of “Nature in the City”.

Birds in the city are struggling to coexist alongside people. Dangerous interactions with pets and feral cats, loss of habitat, and collisions with windows are common threats to birds that everybody can do something about. Brendon Samuels, a Western Biology PhD candidate, will tell us about simple actions to support our relationships with birds and the urban spaces we share.

There is no charge for this event. Seating is limited. People are seated on a first come, first served basis. We suggest early arrival for good seating. Families are welcome!

The mission of Nature in the City is to contribute to the preservation and enjoyment of nature. Let’s do this together by sharing information and stimulating an interest in the natural world around us.

For information about parking indoors for free click here.

Central Library – Wolf Performance Hall

251 Dundas Street
London, Ontario Canada
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