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Great Backyard Bird Count Walk (NL Members Only)

Greenway Park 109 Greenside Avenue, London, Ontario, Canada
Attendance: 4 / 15

The event began in 1998 as an annual bird count in North America and runs each February. A February count allows for a snapshot of birds right before one of their annual migrations.

How do small birds survive harsh winters? (NL Members Only)

London Civic Garden Complex

Dr. Carrie Branch will discuss strategies animals use to survive winter when they don’t migrate and share some exciting results from a long-term research project in the Sierra Nevada mountains showing that natural selection acts on the spatial cognitive abilities of mountain chickadees.

Exploring the Connection Between Birding and Mental Health (NL Members Only)

London Civic Garden Complex

Kelly-Sue found birding a way to practice self-care, grounding, meditation and mindfulness. sHe will speak about her own experiences, share tips on Mindful Birding, and will show a couple of her short documentary films telling the stories of other birders.