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Little Nature Explorers (Weather Wonders)

Join our Little Nature Explorers for a fun and engaging 30-minute indoor nature class, perfect for young explorers at Featherfields in Wortley Village! Through hands-on crafts, interactive games, and exciting […]

DIY Home Maintenance Workshop

This informative workshop on DIY home maintenance will teach attendees how simple, proactive measures can help protect their homes, improve their well-being, and benefit the environment. This hands-on session will […]

Little Nature Explorers (Animal Tracks & Signs)

Join our Little Nature Explorers for a fun and engaging 30-minute indoor nature class, perfect for young explorers at Featherfields in Wortley Village! Through hands-on crafts, interactive games, and exciting […]

Late Fall at The Coves ESA

The Coves 1 Cove Road, London, Ontario, Canada
Attendance: 18 / 25

We will walk to the boardwalk on the northeast cove, then return to the parking lot to do the loop of the cove behind the German Club. Some may just […]

Christmas Bird Count for Kids

Storybook Gardens 1958 Storybook Lane, London, Ontario, Canada
Attendance: 4 / 30

Open to the public, but registration is required. Please do not attend if you are unwell.

Late Fall Stroll at Huron Woods

Attendance: 13 / 25

We will walk on paved and unpaved trails to look for interesting late fall sightings.

Christmas Bird Count 2024

Once again Nature London’s Pete Read is the compiler for Nature London’s Christmas Bird Count (CBC). He submits the data to the international Audubon Organization through Birds Canada.  The London […]

RESCHEDULED Little Nature Explorers (Fabulous Fungi)

Join our Little Nature Explorers for a fun and engaging 30-minute indoor nature class, perfect for young explorers at Featherfields in Wortley Village! Through hands-on crafts, interactive games, and exciting […]

New Year’s Day Bird Walk

Attendance: 23 / 25

We will walk along the river in Greenway Park to start off 2025.