Email or paper form received by Gail.
If email, Gail prints it to have hard copy.
Gail types data on each form into Hugh’s Microsoft Access database.
Gail deposits cheques. Who prepares the monthly report for Lesley of how much money is for each category (membership, tickets, donation, NAG, …)?
Lesley goes online to view PayPal receipts. Only the payee’s names and totals are visible.
Glenn produces a PayPal report on the first and fifteenth of each month by payee and category.
Orders for tickets are managed by Gail.
Orders for NAGs are forwarded to ???
Donations are acknowledged with a letter and receipt by ???
Hugh tracks the active memberships regulary.
- Hugh prints mailing labels for The Cardinal. Hugh informs ??? how many issues are needed for paid subscribers. Additional courtesy copies of The Cardinal are printed.
- Hugh sends membership list updates to Ric for MailChimp.
Retain the paper form for now. Allow people to phone in their details.
Don’t replicate the paper form online. Split it into separate forms:
- Natural Areas Guide – purchasing information only
- Donations (already available) – electronic receipts
- Ticket sales for the Awards Banquet – digital tickets
- Memberships – digital membership cards
- Home delivery of The Cardinal
Challenge, how to we overcome the need for home address without storing email addresses on the website?
Are physical tickets needed at the Awards Banquet?
Are paper renew notices really needed?
Are physical membership cards really needed?