Nature London is a nature organization whose geographical focus is London and Middlesex County. The group’s motto is To Preserve and Enjoy Nature. Our objects, specifically, are as follows:
- To acquire and disseminate knowledge about natural history;
- To conserve wildlife and to protect its natural habitat;
- To stimulate public interest in and understanding of nature and its protection and preservation; and
- To develop and sponsor special interest groups in the various fields of natural history
Towards this end, the club conducts a wide range of activities including the support of environmental initiatives by other community organizations.
Funding Pool & Granting Amounts
For 2025, a total of $15,000 is available for the funding of environmental initiatives by various community groups. Grants will be awarded from a minimum of $500 to a maximum of $5000 for successful applicants.
Eligible Groups
- Registered Canadian charities (must be able to issue official donation receipts) with projects in the London / Middlesex area that align with Nature London’s objects (see above).
Eligible Projects
Nature London supports a wide range of conservation projects. Contact us to determine the eligibility of potential projects not already listed below:
- Bioblitzes
- Butterfly / pollinator gardens
- Citizen science projects
- In-class/indoor and outdoor environmental education programming
- Natural playgrounds (natural play elements only)
- Management of conservation lands
- Research projects
- Trail & boardwalk construction / maintenance
- Tree planting & other restoration work
Ineligible Expenses
- Landscaping/beautification or ornamental structures
- Scholarships, grants or bursaries
- Awards and prizes
- Playground equipment
- Expenses incurred prior to April 1 of the funding year
Application Timelines
- Applications for funding must be received before the start of your project. Funding for expenses already incurred will not be granted.
- Application deadline:12 p.m. (noon) (EST) Saturday, March 1, 2025.
- Eco-Grants Committee and Nature London Board meet:February-March 2025
- Applicants notified:By March 18, 2025
All grant applications must be submitted electronically to
All grant applications will be acknowledged. Please contact us if your application has not been acknowledged within three (3) business days.
Nature London regrets that not all funding applications can be granted. Funding is allocated at the sole discretion of the Nature London Eco-Grants Committee and the Board of Directors. Applications received after the application deadline will be considered at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors and are subject to the availability of funds. In exceptional circumstances, the Board may entertain funding requests outside the Community Eco-Grants Program.
Evaluation Criteria
Priority will be given to projects that:
- Further Nature London’s objects (See page 1) with measureable indicators of success
- Meaningfully involve volunteers and partnerships with other groups, where applicable
- Have an achievable (realistic) project plan and schedule
- Include an appropriate (comprehensive) budget that maximizes environmental outcomes (value) and makes provisions for long-term success (sustainability)
- Recognize Nature London and its role in the project
Please Note:
- The project for which funding is granted cannot take place before April 1. Projects must be located in London / Middlesex County.
Other Important Guidelines:
The Eco-Grants Committee reserves the right to place conditions on the release of grants (e.g. the securement of other sources of funding). Such conditions will be outlined in the grant letter of notification.
Projects must be completed within the 2025 calendar year unless an extension has been approved by the Eco-Grants Committee.
A Funding Accountability Report is due within 60 days of the project’s completion and not later than December 31, 2025 unless an extension has been approved by the Eco-Grants Committee. The report requires a digital (scanned) copy of all receipts associated with Nature London funding.
Funds must be spent as per the project budget. Any unused or surplus finds must be returned to Nature London. Funding may only be reallocated with the written permission of Nature London. Changes in activities, timelines or funding must be reported promptly to the Eco-Grants Committee at
Failure to spend the funds in the manner specified in the application, or to submit any of the required documentation or reports by the date stipulated, may disqualify the applicant from any future grants from Nature London. Future grants will not be considered unless reports on previous grants have been fully completed and received.
Successful applicants agree to recognize the support of Nature London in all written material relating to the project for which funding was received. Nature London will provide an electronic copy of our official logo to successful applicants for this purpose.
Successful applicants agree to provide Nature London with photographs of the project for use by the club. Nature London reserves the right to profile projects through the use of photographs or articles within its print or electronic publications or within promotional materials.
Word Templates: Funding Application and Accountability Report
Please use the following templates for all submissions: