Terms of Reference
Nature London Conservation Action Committee (CAC)
(From Manual 2 of 5, May 2021)
The CAC exists to lead Nature London’s efforts to protect wildlife and preserve its natural habitat.
- To monitor and address environmental issues, particularly in London and area.
- To advise and partner with the City of London, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, and provincial ministries on environmental issues.
- To network and partner with other local and provincial conservation groups.
- To take positions on complex conservation issues and to advise the Nature London Board and membership on such matters.
- To advocate for good environmental practices in parks, Environmentally Sensitive Areas, and rural and urban development.
- To lead and support public awareness and education on environmental issues.
- To consult the Nominating Committee on the appointment of Nature London representatives / liaisons to conservation-related groups. Such groups include Thames Talbot Land Trust, London Advisory Committee on Heritage, Friends of the Coves and Ontario Nature.
- Annually recognize individuals and groups making positive contributions to the environment through the presentation of Conservation and Enviro Hero awards.
Membership and Voting
- The CAC is composed of up to 12 members all of whom may vote on matters requiring a vote. Subcommittees may include individuals who are not members of the parent CAC committee.
- The chair is elected by the members of the Committee.
Frequency of Meetings
- Meetings are held quarterly except in the summer or more frequently at the call of the chair.
- A quorum is 50% of the members.
- The CAC reports, through the chair or a designate, to the President of Nature London.
Review of this document
- Terms of Reference are reviewed periodically by CAC and the Board.
Comment This team can have an important influence on conservation efforts. It is important to track, attend, and understand governmental processes for public comment and input
3.2.10 Conservation Action Committee Chair
Position Background
Since the 1980s, a Conservation Coordinator or Conservation Action Committee Chair has actively monitored conservation issues of concern to the club and, where possible and appropriate, written or spoken on such issues on behalf of the membership.
In addition to the general responsibilities of all appointees stated in Section 3.1:
- Chair the Conservation Action Committee (CAC), as per its Terms of Reference which follow.
- Delegate a committee member to:
- report to the Board of Directors on conservation issues, and
- oversee the completion of assignments delegated to the CAC by the Board or President.
- Coordinate conservation activities as needed by matching volunteers to specific projects or tasks best suited to their talents and interests.
- See that reports on conservation issues are submitted for each edition of The Cardinal.
- Report on conservation issues at the General Meetings of the club upon request.
- Maintain and expand networks with governments and government departments as well as community groups.
- Prepare a list of candidates for Conservation Awards and present the list to the Board at its September meeting. Be responsible for:
- notifying award winners,
- obtaining banquet tickets for winner(s) and guest(s),
- completing certificates (lettering, signature, mounting),
- arranging award citation writers and presenters,
- arranging media coverage, if directed by the Board,
- hosting winners at the banquet, and
- submitting citations for publication in The Cardinal.
- Monitor municipal government notices relating to the environment in the Living in the City announcements in The London Free Press. Ensure that NL is, when feasible, represented at government and non-government levels on local planning issues which concern the natural environment. Initiate or respond to requests for comments and input on local and provincial issues regarding the natural environment. Provide input into London’s Official Plan and development proposals, as appropriate.
- Submit to the Past President by October 31 each year a brief summary of the activities carried out by the CAC (from September 1st to August 31st of the previous year) for inclusion in the Annual Report.